Hello there, my name is Becca and I work in tech. I spend my days shipping content, building content tools, analyzing content data, and improving content operations. For the last six years, I've worked on content teams—at one of the fastest growing startups in North America and at one of the largest corporations in the world. Prior to that, I was a neuroscientist (and not producing much content at all). Boy have things changed.

I started this blog because there is a lot more to content than just writing and editing. It requires reaching out to many other fields and using their methods. I'll use this blog to describe different approaches I've used along the way, which I hope can help others in their content journeys.

Outside of work, you'll find me hanging out with my two kitties, McCallister and Oscar. When Mick and Ozzy aren't distracting me with their late-night partying, I'm pursuing my other interests: online education, art, fitness, pickles, and doughnuts. One of my favorite things to do when I travel is go on a "doughnut tour" and try the local fare. While New York is the doughnut king, Scotland has some truly dazzling dough.

Photograph of Becca's lovely face with the Empire State Building in the background.
Fun fact: A few months after this photo was taken, I began my tech journey in the building behind me.

If you're interested in my work work, check out my portfolio!